Research Ethics Policies
At the Turkish Epilepsy Society, we hold the ethical treatment of animals and the protection of human participants in research studies with utmost importance. We strive to provide a platform for research that adheres to ethical principles hereinbelow, ensuring the welfare of animals used in research and the protection of human participants' rights and well-being. We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all submissions involving animal research and studies involving human participants, data, or biological material. When submitting your manuscript to the Archives of Epilepsy, please ensure that you include the Ethic Committee approval document. In the 'Material and Method' section of your manuscript, make sure to clearly indicate the following:
Ethics Committee Approval: State that you have obtained approval from the Ethics Committee.
Adherence to International Guidelines: Mention that your study adheres to relevant international guidelines.
Patient Informed Consent: Confirm that you have obtained informed consent from the patients involved in the study.
These requirements apply particularly to case reports where the data or media used could potentially reveal the identity of the patient. Please ensure that these details are included when you submit your manuscript.
Human Participant Study Ethical Standards:
For studies involving human participants, data, or biological material, authors must confirm that their study was approved by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee. This confirmation should include the name of the ethics committee that granted approval or exemption. Authors must also certify that their study was conducted in accordance with the ethical standards set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki and its subsequent amendments or comparable ethical standards. In cases where doubt exists about the study's adherence to the Declaration of Helsinki or comparable standards, authors are required to provide a clear explanation for their approach. Authors must demonstrate that any aspects of the study that are doubtful in their ethical alignment were explicitly approved by an independent ethics committee or institutional review board. Additionally, authors must respect participants' right to privacy.
Animal Research Ethical Standards:
Authors submitting manuscripts involving animal research must provide detailed information on the ethical treatment of animals. They should follow the Basel Declaration and ICLAS guidelines to ensure animal welfare and scientific integrity. Adherence to the ARRIVE checklist is essential, covering housing, care, handling, and procedures performed on animals. Authors should explicitly state compliance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and consider the AVMA Guidelines for anesthesia and euthanasia.
We disapprove of such unethical practices as plagiarism, fabrication, duplication, and salamization, as well as efforts to influence the review process with such practices as gifting authorship, inappropriate acknowledgments, and references. In case of suspicion, the authors will be asked for additional explanation. Further actions will be made according to COPE Flowcharts. Plagiarism is a grave concern and one of the most prevalent ethical issues in the field of medical writing. Turkish Epilepsy Society strictly prohibits any form of plagiarism. In alignment with our publication policy, all submitted manuscripts undergo plagiarism screening using specialized software, such as iThenticate and others. Submissions with high similarity scores may face rejection both prior to and following acceptance.
Plagiarism is a grave concern and one of the most prevalent ethical issues in the field of medical writing. Turkish Epilepsy Society strictly prohibits any form of plagiarism. In alignment with our publication policy, all submitted manuscripts undergo plagiarism screening using specialized software, such as iThenticate and others. Submissions with high similarity scores may face rejection both prior to and following acceptance.
Informed Consent Policy
All research involving human participants requires their informed consent to participate. This consent should be obtained from participants or their legal guardians in the case of underage children. The manuscript should clearly state that informed consent was obtained. Studies involving vulnerable groups or situations where full consent might be challenging will be carefully reviewed. Consent is necessary for all personally identifiable data types.
Conflict of Interest
Conditions that provide financial or personal gain create a conflict of interest. This situation is directly related to the objective handling of conflicts of interest during the scientific process and the planning, implementation, writing, evaluation, editing, and publication of scientific studies.
All contributing authors are required to declare any conflicts of interest related to themselves, their institutions, or any financial or material support they may have received, when submitting their manuscript by completing and sending ICMJE Disclosure of Interest Form. These declarations will be publicly disclosed in the Conflict of Interest section at the end of each manuscript.
Editors are also obligated to disclose any potential conflicts of interest between themselves and the authors or their affiliated institutions.
The evaluation is double-blinded, meaning no one, except the Editor-in-Chief, knows the authors' identities or affiliations to prevent conflicts of interest.
Archives of Epilepsy’s editorial team comprises experts in their respective fields, and they are vigilant in preventing conflicts of interest. However, in the event that a conflict of interest arises, the Editor-in-Chief will follow the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to address and resolve the matter appropriately.